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Transcend Beyond Self-Actualization With Spiritual Fitness | Vishen Lakhiani
2016Nov 3
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs — the original “started from the bottom, now we here.” These needs are what we need to live fulfilling lives. Maslow, admittedly, forgot the last step to achieving complete human fulfilment. But you can learn it here👉 Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is depicted as a pyramid, and details what we need to live life at our highest capability and fulfilment. These needs are organized in 5 levels, such that you can only progress to the next level by attaining the level before it. 1. The bottom of the pyramid (and most important human need) represents physiological needs — food, water, sleep, shelter. 2. The 2nd level is safety — personal, emotional, financial, and health. 3. The 3rd level encompasses social belonging — friendships, family, community, and intimacy. 4. The 4th level entails esteem, and is attained through respect and recognition (both internally and externally), mastery, self-confidence, and freedom. 5. The final level, the top of the pyramid, represents self-actualization — the recognition of one’s full potential and accomplishment of that potential. Including finding a life partner, becoming a parent, pursuing goals and happiness, and utilizing abilities and talents. But there is one more level to truly reaching the ultimate state humans can experience. After Abraham Maslow’s pyramid was published, he was disappointed that he couldn't upgrade the pyramid to encompass the idea of spiritual transcendence — the next step above self-actualization. “Self-transcendence” is the capability to see past your own potential, and recognize and take responsibility over HUMANITY’S potential. Once you reach self-transcendence you will be aware of your ultimate truth and the unity of all things. Our society and and culture emphasizes the physical experience: many of us workout and consciously nurture our bodies with nutrition. But our human experience includes facets far beyond the physical realm — consciousness, essence, and soul — yet nobody teaches us how to take care of them. That's why Mindvalley created a 60-day program that focuses on the health and fitness of your spirit. Introducing, “Unlocking Transcendence: 60 Days To Spiritual Fitness” with Jeffrey Allen. In this life-changing program, you’ll learn to not only reach the very top of Maslow’s pyramid, but to let go of the conditioning society, culture, religion, politics, media and endless sources has had on your goals and purpose. With this program’s powerful exercises and guided meditations, you will be on your way to self-transcendence in no time. Join the movement now:👉 IMPORTANT TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Maslow’s Pyramid 00:34 Self-Transcendence 01:18 How to get Self-Transcendence 02:24 Introducing the program: Unlocking Transcendence 04:00 8 benefits you’ll get from this course ABOUT JEFFREY ALLEN: Jeffrey Allen is the author of Mindvalley’s popular “Duality” training program. An engineer by trade and energy healer at heart, Jeffrey has helped thousands of professionals combine their intellect and intuition to boost confidence, improve relationships, find meaning and purpose, and manifest the life of their dreams. Based in Tokyo, Japan, Jeffrey is known as “The Healers’ Healer” and is regarded as a global authority on Energy Healing. He has travelled globally — teaching energy work, intuition, and healing on four continents. #healing #energy #jeffreyallen

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