What is the YouTube Measurement Program?
The YouTube Measurement Program (YTMP) was created to offer an array of trusted independent solutions for driving and measuring marketing performance and understanding content trends on YouTube.
Supported by YouTube
When a company has the YTMP badge, it means it’s been carefully vetted and meets our standards. It also means we consider it to be a trusted business partner in providing the capabilities you need to better drive and understand your marketing performance, inclusive of Google media.
YTMP certifications
YTMP members earn badges to differentiate themselves as certified vendors. Members demonstrate strong market demand, a positive industry track record and compliance with Google and YouTube policies.
Proof of strong market demand
Proof of strong and positive track record in the industry
Compliance with Google and YouTube policies
Brand suitability & contextual targeting
Target topics that are contextually relevant and suitable for your brand.
Brand safety reporting
Receive monitoring and reporting on your video placements so you can feel confident your brand is safe.
Content insights
Get insights on what topics are trending, which creators are popular and how content is performing on YouTube.
If you have any questions about the YouTube Measurement Program, please reach out to your YouTube representative.